
Showing posts with the label artist

How To Quickly Become A Successful NFT Creator

NFTs are a new and exciting way to create, sell, and trade digital art and other digital assets. This article is for you if you’re an artist or creator looking to get started in the NFT space. We’ll cover what you need to know to create your first NFT, including where to list it for sale and how to price it. After reading this guide, you’ll be ready to start creating and selling your own NFTs in no time. So let’s get started! Why is NFT Important?  The importance of NFTs lies in the fact that they are not just digital art – they are a permanent and immutable representation of digital art. This means that the art is recorded on a blockchain , thus making it clear who the original creator and owner are. This helps to protect the ownership rights of the artist, ensuring that their work is not plagiarized or sold without their consent. Moreover, NFTs are unique in that they can remain stored on the blockchain  forever, even after being transferred from one buyer to another. This makes them

How the Latest Technology helps an Artist to follow the Passion

Denver is an artist. He was fond of making artistic sketches from childhood and this hobby was becoming his passion as he was growing older. One day he was watching a video in which he saw that there are people who are making different graffiti on walls. He found it very interesting and he decided to do it by himself on the streets. So per plan one day he purchased paint cans from a hardware store and start painting the walls of the street with beautiful creative paintings. But instead of appraisal, he got arrested by the local Police force for making a mess on the walls of the streets. When he tried to defend himself in court he got to know that Graffiti is illegal in his country. This was a huge setback and disappointment for him because art was the love of his life for him. Now instead of creating paintings on paper, Denver wants to paint the walls of streets. Denver did this lots of times and unfortunately every time he got arrested for doing this. However, people of the area liked